When constructing a custom deck or improving your current one, a deck can only have up to 55 cards, here's the 3 categories.
Each player will start with 5 cards in hand and roll their dice to determine who will go first, unlike other TCG/CCG, whoever goes first can declare the first attack; but both players must have (2) complete turns before anyone can attack.
*Taking Damage
If you have purchased an [OGM] (Official Game Mat) , you will see 7 Menorah’s on the left side; these 7 candlesticks represent 7 [ML] (Menorah Life), in other words, life points. Each time a player is attacked, and that attack is successful, move the dice down by one. However, if a player is attacked while they control no Beasts in their [GC] by the opponents [MG], an [+1] additional damage is accumulated; same damage occurs if a Beast in a players [MG] is defeated in battle.
*How to Deploy your Beasts
Observing a Beast card, there are possibly [4] important numbers. [Offering Cost] (Purple) [Assault/Attack] (Red) [Skill/Defense] (Blue) [Holy Spirit] (white). When deploying a Beast, you’ll be considering its Offering Cost [OC] more because it must be equal to or lower than the [Offering] card(s) support number. Offering Cost [OC] also is important for measuring a Beasts potential, because it works as a restriction. The higher the [OC], the stronger your Beast can become; see (Beast Stat Restrictions) for more information. A player can only [ Deploy ] (1) Beast at a time per turn, however, can be [Convoke] as many as the player desires. Now to talk about the Skill, or the defense of a Beast. The [SK] or skill contributes to a Beasts ability to either use specific [W] weapons, and [BL] or counter opposing attacks. All [W] cards have requirements in order to use them, in some cases its held within a Beasts [OC], others utilizes a high rate of [SK]. If a [W] states to arm to a Beast, he must have a [OC] of (4) or a [SK] of (3), the Beast selected to be armed MUST have those stats or higher; see (Blocking) for more information.
*How to move cards
When a player moves a Beast or Offering cards to a different column, remember that one can only move [1] column over ( unless specified by card ability). Beast cards moved from a [GC] into the [RRS] is called a [Retreat] and is not considered a move; therefore a player can [Retreat] a Beast and move another one all in the same turn. [Advance] is another way to help position your battlefield, which a player moves a Beast from the owners [RRS] into a [GC]; this is not considered a move.
*Retire, Withdrawal?
A [Retire] is when a player replaces a Beast in one of their [BC] with one from their hand whose [OC] is higher, while a [Withdrawal] is when one replaces a Beast in their [BC] with another having an [OC] that is equal to the previous; therefore the replaced Beast, unlike a [Retire] is placed in the hand instead of going to the [G]; this also works for [Convoke's] from the [H]/[IW] column.
*Active or Inactive?
What is an active Beast card? an active Beast is a Beast that is face-up and or is in the [Ascend] position. A Beast that is inactive are Beasts flipped face-down and or is in the [R] position. A Beast(s) battle position can only be changed once per turn, while in the [R] position, their [Command(s)] are cancelled.
*What is an Offering Card?
[Offering] cards are a kind of [SP] (support) card used for deploying your Beast cards to the field, without these cards on the battlefield, Beast cards cannot be present. You want to stack as many in any or all columns as possible, this helps you spread out your Beast(s) and your battlefront. They can and are the best use of [HC] (hand cost) as well. Unlike other cards, these special cards do not stay in the [G] (Grave), instead they are placed at the bottom of the users [H] (Heaven) during the end of the turn (End Step). When it comes to [Offering] card abilities, the owner can only activate them per column once per turn.
*When and How can I attack?
When attacking, a player must be in the [WS] of their [Function Meter]. Turn the card towards the left to declare the attack, if the [Attack/Assault] power is greater than the opponent, the attacker wins the battle. If the [Attack/Assault] power of both Beasts are equal, the Beast with the highest [SK] will be the victor.
*How to Block
When defending an opponent’s attack, you must consider if its worth it. Of course you want to protect yourself, however, are the cards on your battlefield more important than the ones in your hand? To perform a successful (Block) [BL], one must;
· Have a Beast in their [RRS] (Rear Support)
· Have a Beast in his/her [GC]
· Have a Beast in hand to place in the [BLC] Blocking Columns with an [OC] equal to or lower than the Beast targeted for the attack. A player may place as many Beasts for a [BL] as desired, but they must be placed all together prior to the (counter-step).
There are many types of weapons, varying from [Sword] [Spears] [Bow&Arrow] [Battle-Axe] and [Dagger]. Only one weapon card can be played from the hand per turn, Beasts also must meet requirements for the weapon. Weapons cannot be armed with every kind, meaning a Beast armed with a [Sword] cannot be armed with a [Battle-Axe]. When armed with a weapon, you may place as many weapons on a Beast having the same name up to (4).
*What is a [Core] card?
A [Core] card is a Beast beneath a [Lead] card (Beast on top), [Core] cards can be [CM] or standard Beasts.
Shields are placed only in the shield columns, and can only be activated once per turn. If a shield is destroyed, the owner takes no battle damage from the opponents attack. Whenever a shield is destroyed in battle, the owner can draw [1] card from the top of his/her [H]. Any [BL] columns occupied by shields, cannot be used by Beast's for [BL]. If a shield is present in a column, the opponent must attack the shield before declaring an assualt against the opponent him/herself.
Once per turn, a player may drop one card ( Beast/Offering) into his/her [IW] column and draw a new card from the top of their [H].
*For those without
Courtesy is a rule, if a player asks to see the cards in any column on your side of the field, you must allow it.
*Rarity Category
As collectors ourselves, well a few of us are. We have categorized all of our rare cards, from least to greatest. To own a rare deck is amazing, but to own every rare card is an all new level. Search for and collect all Superior rare cards known, the rarest cards in the game; see the [Rare Category Gallery] for their display.
- Rare
- Superior Rare
- Gold Rare
- Gold Superior Rare
Draw-Step: Draw a card from your heaven
Function-Step 1 | [F1]: Deploy Beast(s), activate Arsenal(s), and play Offering(s) cards from hand or activating [FC] [AC], or moving cards on your battlefield.
War-Step | [WS]: Declaring war with a Beast on your opponents side of the field
Counter-Step: This step gives the opponent a chance to retaliate by activating (Arsenal) cards or [BL] your attack.
Counter-Step 2: This step gives you the opportunity to retaliate by activating (Arsenal) cards to (counter) your opponents (counter-step 1).
Function-Step 2 | [F2]: A player can ONLY activate (Arsenal) [FC][AC], or move cards on his/her side of the battlefield.
End-Step | [ES]: When a current player concludes his/her turn.
Standby: When your opponent begins his/her turn.
Turn Marker [ TM ]: A [6] sided dice used to determine what turn the player is in, also determines the Beast that can and cannot be [ Deployed ].
Signets are special, they give the user additional commands others learn to fear and respect. Some can benefit as a strength, others can be considered a restriction; so lets explain the different kinds available. The [Royal] signet or insignia indicates that the Beast is [Royalty], either a King or is a [Core] card for a [UG] that is a King. The next special signet is the [C], which indicates the Beast is a Captain. Captains are usually the Strongest Beast (Physically) in a players deck, or the second in line. The benefit of a Captain is they (other than a Royal) can increase their stats beyond [4]. Beasts without these signets are limited to [4] ( OC|A|SK ). The third signet is a [Downward Arrow] which indicates a [Rear-Guardian], Beasts with these insignias cannot be placed or sent to the [GC]. The fourth signet is known as the [Front-line Guardian], this Beast operates in opposition to the [Rear-Guardian]. The fifth signet is one of a [Bow&Arrow], this indicates that the Beast has an [Archer] status. Beasts that have this insigia cannot be placed in the [RRS] or [MG], they also cannot be attacked while the owner controls a active [MG]. The sixth signet is the [Chief Creation], these Beasts are super powerhouses but must return to the owners [H] during the End-Step. These cards are limited to (3) per deck, and only [1] of each having the same name and title. The seventh signet is the [Wicked Spirit] signet, this (Dragon) archetype specializes in using [ Arsenal ] and (Token) cards for offense and defense; all [Token] cards are limited to (10). The eighth signet is called the [ Celestial ] signet, this (Angel) archetype specializes in using [ Arsenal ] and (Token) cards for offense and defense; and cannot be defeated in battle or destroyed by card abilities. All [Token] cards are limited to (10).
The Importants of a Signet
When building a deck, a player should choose at least 1 [C]/Captain Beast card. If a player does not have one, he/she will limit themselves. Only a Beast with a [Royal] or [C] signet can exceed an [OC] of 4, therefore, without them, your decks power will be limited to his minimal restrictions. A deck can only have up to 3 [C] and only [1] having a gold [C]. Only one can be on your side of the battlefield at a time having the same status type. Also, you can only have [1] [C] having the same name and title in a deck. Therefore a player can have multiple versions of the same [C] Beast, if his title is different. There are [2] type categories of a [C] status, gold and silver. Gold is the highest, even though both carry this status, silver operates as the secondary class [C]. This Means a player can have both gold and silver [C] on the battlefield at the same time. If a Beast has both types in their status zone, he can operate as either, avoiding the [1] gold limit. You can have as many Beast's with a [Royal] signet as you desire, yet all [Royal] Beast's in your [H] must have the same name. Meaning, a player can have a [Royal] Beast with both the names such as David and King David. However, a player cannot have multipal Beasts with a [Royal] signet having different names. For example, both King David and King Alexander have a [Royal] signet, but have different names. Therefore, they cannot be in the same deck, Kings are rare and don't come in Pre-structured decks.
Observing the example of the game mat, there are (6) Beast Columns [BC] (3) Guard Columns [GC], and (1) Rear Support [RRS] where you deploy your Warriors—Left-Guard, the Right-Guard, and also the Middle-Guard. Your Left-Guard [LG] can only declare war with your opponent’s Right-Guard [RG], your Right-Guard can only war with your opponent’s Left-Guard, yet The Middle-Guard [MG] can declare war with any of your opponent’s [GC]. The rear Beast column is referred to as the Rear-Support [RRS] column. There are (2) Arsenal types for the other columns, one below the right [GC] and the other at the top right with the company logo. The standard Arsenal is used for all Arsenal cards (excluding the Province). Be mindful of having too many that remain on the field continually; the bottom right is a Province Arsenal column.
Below the left [GC] is the [H] column where your Deck (Max. 55) is placed. Below the Arsenal column is the Inward [IW] column; it’s used for cards that are temporarily placed in prison. Below the [IW] is the (Grave) [G] column; the Grave is where all cards go after use or after they are defeated or destroyed. Finally, we have the [UG] [Up-Grade] column to the far left in [Red]; if a player has an Up-Grade [UG] Beast in hand, a player may place him/her in the [UG] column to draw an extra card once per turn, if this is done, that Beast cannot be (convoke) in that same turn. The column above in [Blue] is known as the (Companion) Beast column, cards that are placed in this column are set face-down and never put in the [H]. Now let’s talk about the [ML]; there are (7) of them; however, if a player's [ML] marker reaches the skull below the last [2] (Red) ones, that player loses. Below the [ML] column is how everything functions; this is the Function column (See Function Step Section for further instructions). [Force of Will] [F1]: If a player [ML] reaches within the (2) (Red) menorah and he/she controls [8] or more cards in his/her [IW] column, that players [MG] Beast [AC] are of no [Cost] once per turn and gains +1/+1/+1 for [WS]. To activate this ability, send (2) cards from your [IW] column to your [G].
Up-Grade [UG] cards are unique Beasts representing a mature stage of age or new [Line Division], levels of power or skill obtained by this card may allow his/her owner to gain the advantage. To distinguish a [UG] Beast from a standard Beast, a [UG] will have a (red) text box. If an Up-Grade Beast is either defeated in battle or is removed from the battlefield by a card ability, the [Core] card (Any support Beast Beneath the UG) will remain in his/her [BC] while the [UG] goes to the [G]. In the case which the owner [Core] [OC] is less than a Beast who resides in a [GC] aside from him/her while in [MG], the [Core] Beast must retreat to the [RRS]; if not, both [UG] and the [Core] card(s) must go to the [G]. However, with great advantages comes not without great cost, to dispatch a unique Beast such as this, the owner must either pay a cost of (2) cards from hand or send [1] [Lamb][Goat] to the bottom of his/her [H]. [UG] Beasts are always considered a (convoke) and can be (convoke) regardless of the [TM] (Turn Marker) during the owners [F1]. A Beast can only be [Deployed] or [Convoke] depending on his/her [OC] in regards to the owner's turn marker, but unlike standard Beasts, an Up-Grade [UG] Beast is not restricted to a turn marker, as long as it is [Convoke] from the [UG] column. A player can use [UG] Beast in many ways, they can be used as offensive tools, or defensive from the hand; therefore can be used as blockers. Also, if a player controls an [UG] in both his/her [GC] and [UG] column, the owner can select the Beast in the [GC], send it from the [UG] column to the [IW] column facedown, afterwards, the selected [UG] in the [GC] will gain +1/+1/+1 (+1) [AD] for every [UG] placed face-down in the [IW] this turn until his/her [F2].
Max UG -X: This is a [UG] Beast that exceeds its first level and is more powerful in every way. Beasts of this level have all the costs as their standard form, however, there is an additional cost for this level of power. A [UG] [-1] or [-X] has a cost of (2) cards from hand, as well as a (-1) (X) from the owners/players [UG] column. Therefore, the player will discard (2) cards from hand and send (2) [UG] Beasts from the column to his/her [IW] column face-down. When a player has successfully [ Convoke ] the Max [UG] [-1] [X], the player must draw (1) card from his/her [H] immediately afterward.
[CM] ( Companion ) Beasts are counted as [ Convoke ] and can only be played in the [RRS] [GC]. This Beasts [OC] is treated as [Offering] support if it is a [Core] card. If the [Lead] card is defeated or destroyed, send this card back to the [CM] column. Also, if the [CM] Beast is a [Lead] while defeated, send him back to the [CM] column. These cards are not placed in the [H] or [G], therefore are not counted apart of the [55] or [C] card limit; yet the [CM] column also has a limit of [3].
Understanding Stat Restrictions
There are [3-4] stats on each Beast card, ranging between (1-4/X). Now a player can choose to fill up his/her deck with Beasts of just [OC] (4) and greater, or can prove their mastery by selecting those from a (Support-line) and increasing his strength. In some cases, its good to have strong Beasts, however, what happens if (Power-lines) are restricted by card abilities? That's when you must know how to uplift your restrictions, and it all starts with the [OC]. There are (3) restriction limits, once your Beast [OC] increases beyond them, your Assault/Attack and or Skill can be increased to infinite.
Restrictions (4) (7) (9)
While a Beasts [OC] is (4) or less, his Attack strength and Skill cannot exceed beyond (4); so on and so forth.
Card Speed
Every Beast with an [FC] has a particular turn they are used in, not only that; but also a certain speed. Speed is key to beating your opponent to the punch, below are the speeds which will determine what will resolve first. Remember, if card speeds are equal, whichever is conducted first will always resolve last.
Assault/Attack: 1
Beast: [FC] [AC] - 1.2
Arsenal: 1.5
Arsenal [Hast]: 2
Offering: 1
[F1]- Function Step-1
[WS]- War Step
[F2]- Function Step-2
[ES]- End Step
[SB]- Stand By
[FX]- Beyond turn [6]
[PX]- Constant (Continues)
[R]- Rest, the card is turned towards the left. Any card in ( R ) [ Function ](s) are canceled.
[FC]- Function Command
[AC]- Action Command
[OC]- Offering Cost
[ASP]- Attack/Assault Power
[SK]- Skill
[ASC]- Ascend
[BC]- Beast Column, all Beasts on the battlefield
[GC]- Guard Column, Beast only on the front row [RG] [MG] [LG]
[IN] [F1]- Instinct, [Function] is active immediately, and remains active while on the battlefield.
[RRS]- Rear Support, a [BC] located behind the [MG]. This column cannot be targeted for an attack, is usually used for defending.
[HR]- Heritage, consists of the (3) first brackets on each card below, it’s Nationality, Tribe, Progenitor.
[CM]- Companion, a additional deck. These are never placed in your [H], and are not counted as part of the [55] card limit.
[G]- Grave
[H]- Heaven, deck
[HC]- Hand Cost (How many cards you must discard).
[W]- Weapon
[BL]- Blocker- Blocks an attack from the opponent.
[BL-H]- Blocker/Healer- Blocks an attack from the opponent, also adds +1 [ML].
[BL-R]- Render- Blocks an attack from the opponent, also defeats the attacking Beast.
[BL-BS]- Blocker/Blacksmith- Blocks an attack from the opponent, also, search your [H] and add 1 weapon to the controller’s hand.
[ML]- Menorah Life, Life Points located on the far left side of a players [Game Mat].
[F1] [FX]: (2): As long as you have (3) or more cards in your hand, all [Israelite] Beasts you control ( excluding this card ) gain +1/+1/+1.
[F1]: Send (X) cards from the top of your [H] that is equal to or more than the [OC] of a [ King David ] in your [G] to (convoke) him upon a [ David ] armed with a [ Sword of The King ] or to add him to your hand.
[F1] [P1]: When this card is deployed, you can select (1) [ David ] whose [OC] is (2) or less in your hand and convoke him.
[F1]: If this Beast is discarded due to performing a [BL], you can search your [H] for a Beast having an [OC] of (3) or less and add him/her to your hand.
[F1]: If this Beast is offered as a (sacrifice), search your [H] for a Beast with an [OC] of (3) or less and (convoke) him to your battlefield.
[F1]: If this Beast is offered as a (sacrifice), search your [H] for a Beast with an [OC] of (2) or less and (convoke) him to your battlefield.
[F1]: Discard this Beast, search your [H] for (1) [Sword] and add it to your hand.
[WS] [FX]: If this Beast is armed with a [Sword] , he gains +1/+1/+0.
[F1]: Place (1) Beast you control in the [R], then draw 2 cards.
[F1]: If you control a Beast with [David] in his card name whose [OC] is (3) of less, give this card and ‘David’ +1/+1/+0.
Superior Command [F1] [F2] [WS] [O/WS] [ES]
[BL] [O/WS]:
[BL-H] [O/WS]: After performing a successful [Block], the controller gains +1 [ML].
[BL +1|O] [O/WS]: After performing a successful [Block], you can search your [H] for [1] [Offering] card whose [Support] is [2] and add it to your hand.
[BL-BSM] [O/WS]: After performing a successful [Block], search your [H] and add [1] Weapon card to your hand.
[BL-BR] [O/WS]: After performing a successful [Block], you may draw [1] card from the top of your [H].
Superior Command [F1] [F2] [WS] [O/WS] [ES]
To locate the Superior Command, look for a green rectangular bar with a command title. For example, King David has a Superior Command called 'Royal Presence'. Like other commands, they can be prevented because its still regarded as a [FC] [ Function Command].
[BM] [WS]- Beast Mode, the users attack cannot be canceled unless by a successful [BL] (No Arsenals can be active).
[SBR] [WS]- Shield Breaker, destroy (1) [Shield] card your opponent controls.
[OPP] [F1]- Oppression, target your opponent’s [RRS] and place him in [R]; this Beast must remain in [R] until your opponent’s 2nd [ES].
[OPP/LV2] [F1]- Oppression, target any (2) Beasts in your opponent’s [BC] and place him/her in [R]; this/these Beast must remain in [R] until your opponent’s 2nd [ES].
[EM] [F1]- Emulation, target a Beast your opponent controls and copy his/her [FC] [AC].
[WRC] [WS|O/WS]- War Cry, select a Beast in your [MG] whose [OC] is (5) or more, [R] your [RRS], then give all Beasts in your [GC] +2/+2/+0 until your [F2].
[RS-L1] [WS]- Ruthless Sacrifice, during the [WS] the controller can offer [1] Beast they control for this Beast to gain +1/+1/+0 and [+1] [AD] until the [F2].
[RS-L2] [WS]- Ruthless Sacrifice, during the [WS] the controller can offer [2] Beast they control for this Beast to gain +3/+2/+0 and (+2) [AD] until the [F2].
[UG] [F1]- Up-Grade, Move a Beast from the [UG] column or hand on top of the [Core] Beast card.
[M-X] [F1]- Maximum Up-Grade, place as many [UG] required from its column into the [IW] column face-down. Afterwards, move the face-up [MAX] [UG] Beast from the [UG] column or hand upon his/her [Core] Beast card. When this cards [Command] resolves, add [1] card from your [IW] [H] to your hand.
[RL] [WS] [O/WS]- Relentless, (Sacrifice) a Beast you control if your opponent attacks or targets this Beast with an Arsenal card, all affects or attacks are cancelled.
[RT] [ES]- Return, during the End-Step of the owners turn, this Beast must return to the owners [H]; shuffle afterwards.
[PD] [F1] – Province Destroyer, when this Beast is deployed, select [1] Arsenal card in either players (Province) area and destroy it.
[HZ] [F1]- Hellenize, a command which changes all Beasts nationality into (Greek) on the battlefield; this command remains active until your opponent’s 2nd [ES].
[+1 DM] [WS]- +1 Damage, this command can only be used while attacking your opponent’s camp. When your attack is successful, inflict +1 additional damage to your opponent’s [ML].
[HNL] [F1]- Your opponent cannot play cards from hand, such as [Arsenal] [BL].
A Beast's stats are limited to his [OC], the higher this stat column, the more a player may raise his Assault Power/Attack and Skill columns. Once a players Beast(s) [OC] becomes (10) with an Assault Power of (X), that Beast obtains (+2) [AD] until that players [F2]; this command is recurring.
[Purple] [OC]: Offering Cost
[Red] [A]: Assault Power
[Blue] [SK]: Skill
When constructing a deck, a player has to be sure to follow the (3) [ Line Division ] rule. The rule helps players easily create a well balanced deck that can compete with the best, here are all cards divisions and limits.
Power Limits
[OC] [1-4] [5-7] [8-9] [10]
[ASP] [1-4] [5-7] [8-9] [X]
[SK] [1-4] [5-7] [8-9] [X]
[OC] [4-X]
[OC] [2-3]
[OC] [1-2]
Beast: Card Limit (20)
[Limit] [OC]
[1] [4]
[2] [8]
[3-4] [X]
[5-X] [5]
Beast: Card Limit [15]
Arsenal: Card Limit [15]
Offering: Card Limit [20]